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Showing posts from 2013

Installing Compiz on Debian Wheezy using Squeeze repo

NOTE1፡ It won't be possible to configure Compiz with "Compiz Config Setting Manager" because it requires python < 2.7(In Wheezy python is 2.7) NOTE2፡ Some metacity related packages will be lock - not upgradable(main problem compiz from squeezy expects "libmetacity-private0" but in wheezy this package has small difference - "libmetacity-private0a") 1. Add squeezy repo to source_list(you can comment it out after installation): sudo echo "deb squeeze main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list 2. Install compiz: sudo apt-get install -t oldstable compiz compiz-gnome compiz-gtk libmetacity-private0 compizconfig-backend-gconf  Now compiz should work the only thing is left - setup compiz: Use gconf-editor: sudo apt-get install gconf-editor gconf-editor OR edit directly compiz config file: vim ~/.config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini Example: cat ~/ .config/compiz/compizconfig/Default.ini [core] ...

Install compiz on Debian(wheezy) using debs

First check: Packages to install: compiz-core                         compiz-gnome                        compiz-plugins                      compiz-plugins-default              compizconfig-backend-gconf          compizconfig-settings-manager       libboost-serialization1.46.1        libcompizconfig0                    libdecoration0  ...

Debian Gnome 3 run on ATI x1250

After installing latest Debian distribution(Wheezy) while starting for the first time GNOME 3 crashed. In " System settings " -> " Graphics " -> " Experience "  value was " Fallback ". Solution to fix this problem with my graphic card(ATI x1250) was found on: Mainly install proprietary firmware: sudo apt-get install firmware-linux-nonfree And reboot PC. Now in " System settings " -> " Graphics " -> " Experience "  value is " Standard ".

Notification in Ubuntu is easy

Inside terminal you can use notify-send: notify-send "Message header" "Message body" In python you can execute native command like that: import os os.system('notify-send "Message header" "Message body"') More info from terminal: man notify-send notify-send --help