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Verifying what we typing into "input" element

For example: we have such element in web page:
<input id="input1" class="timeField" type="text"/>

WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(".timeField"));
String textToInput = "English";

//we can easily read its' initial value by:
String initalText = element.getText();

//but if you type something and try to get text you will get empty string
//removing initial value in "input"

// typing "Eng"

// text == "" - empty string
String text = element.getText();

// correct way to check text(value) in input element:
//text == "Eng"
text = element.getAttribute("value");

//typing "lish"

// text == "" - empty string
text = element.getText();

// text = "English"
text = element.getAttribute("value");
